GS1-128 Shipping Label Implementation Report Released

 A Must Read for Retailers, Suppliers and 3rd Party Providers

gs1-128 shipping label report

UCC/EAN Standards have existed in some form for many years, but 15 years ago the GS1 Global organization as we know it took shape. Now, 15 years later, seems like an opportune time to take a broad look at the state of US retailer labeling requirements, primarily GS1- 128 shipping labels, which are used by a majority of major retailers in some capacity. What are suppliers generally being asked to do? How do companies demonstrate a clear understanding of GS1 Standards through their requirements? What are some examples of deficient requirements?

As administrators for barcode label certification and compliance programs for a number of retailers, we are routinely told by individual suppliers “This is the only retailer that’s charging me back for this.” The report helps address this concern and provide details on how retailers are implementing GS1-128 requirements. If you are a retailer, retail supplier or 3rd party, we encourage you to review the report.

To download a copy, please enter your email in the window at the bottom of the page.

About The Author

Brien Fennell is a divisional manager at Bar Code Graphics for over 11 years. Brien develops and manages barcode compliance programs for a variety of industries. He has passed numerous GS1 certifications ranging from barcode print quality to digital content. As a leading authority on barcode structure and compliance, Brien has authored numerous industry and trading partner barcode guidelines. All inquiries regarding this report can be directed to

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